
Sunday, March 16, 2008

The last couple of months have been hard on me mentally as I've took some good tumbles(good for whom, I'm not sure). I've missed the best parts of this year. I feel like I've skied about 20 days this year. Enough of my sulking and feeling sorry for myself. After a couple week break for everyone we are headed up to Montana on a sled mission. Hopefully Pollard still remembers how to ski after his week vacation to Kauai. From the forecast in Montana and from testimonials this year, our trip should be good. We are staying at a friends place whom we met in Alaska last year. Earlier in the year someone left the window open in the bathroom thus freezing the pipes which proceeded to explode and flood the place. Stacey took care of it but since the water was shut off and Cooke City's pipes were put in hastily, not being dug down deep enough, they froze. We won't have running water, which is a bit troubling since we will all be in stinky gear for a couple of weeks. It's going to be a rugged trip, but hey doesn't that just build character?